We believe giving is an important act of worship, just like our singing, praying or serving. God uses the financial gifts given by his people to further the work of the local church by spreading the gospel in our community and around the world, but giving also has personal effects and benefits as well.
- Giving increases our intimacy and directs our attention and heart to Christ. (Matthew 6:21)
- Giving helps us realize the true ownership of ALL of our possessions.
(I Chronicles 29:11-12) - Giving teaches us to trust and submit everything to God.
- (Deuteronomy 14:22-23)
How to Give Online to HeartPointe
- Click the “Donate Now” button below
- Completely fill out the provided form
- Choose “One Time Donation” or set-up a “Recurring Donation” via Debit/Credit, check, or bank account draft
- Once your gift is given, if you do not already have a giving account, you will be asked if you would like to set one up to make giving in the future easier. This allows you to store your preferred giving method and access and print your own giving statements.