The Bible
We believe the Bible is the divinely inspired, error-free Word of God, and the supreme authority of faith and practice for followers of Christ, the Son of God.
We believe that there is only one true and living God, the creator of all things, seen and unseen, who exists as three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who has existed for eternity and was sent by God, the Father, to earth to show us what God looked like. Jesus lived a sinless life and was born of the virgin Mary. He suffered, died after being crucified; thus, shedding his blood as a sacrifice for our sins. He was buried and, on the third day, rose from the dead according to the Scriptures. He then appeared before His disciples, who saw him rise again to Heaven, where He is the intercessor and advocate for all who believe in He is the Son of God, who and will someday bodily return to judge the world and set up His Kingdom in Heaven.
Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who dwells within those who believe in Jesus from the moment they accept Him in faith, empowering believers to follow Christ and honor God by living the abundant lives He wants all of us to have. We also believe the Holy Spirit convicts those who have not believed in Jesus, their sin and that they will someday be judged by God.
We believe that salvation is by faith alone in Jesus Christ and that no one comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ. We also believe we are saved by Grace, not by works – and that once saved, we cannot lose our salvation. We believe that we will all die only once, and that we all will stand before God, who will give believers in Jesus entrance into Heaven, while condemning those who have not believed to Hell.
We believe baptism is an act of obedience and testimony by people who have consciously received Jesus Christ as Savior. We believe that baptism is not necessary for salvation, but rather a significant act of public identification with Jesus, an initiation into the visible church, and the first step of Christian growth. It is the New Testament means of making a public profession of faith. We believe the scriptural mode of baptism is immersion.
We believe communion, the symbolic sharing of the Lord’s body and blood, is an opportunity of remember, examine and celebrate Christ’s sacrifice and redemption for our sins. We believe communion is best shared with other believers in Jesus, and that it does not a means to additional grace or salvation.
Marriage & Family
We believe the family is the foundational institution of human society. It is composed of persons related to one another by marriage, blood, or adoption. We believe that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in a covenant of commitment designed to last a lifetime, made before God and recognized by the state. We believe that the purposes of marriage are to express the relationship between Christ and His church, to provide the God-ordained context for sexual intimacy and marital companionship, to establish a home into which new life can be born or adopted and nurtured, and therefore the family is the foundational building block of society.
Q & A:
Who started Christianity?
Christianity is the religion that is based on the birth, life, death, resurrection and teaching of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It started in the 1st century AD as a Jewish sect in Judea, but Christianity quickly spread throughout the Roman empire. Despite the early persecution of Christians, Christianity later became the state religion.
What is a Non-Denominational Christian Church?
A Non-Denominational Christian Church simply means it is not affiliated with a traditional denomination, such as the Catholic or Baptist Church. However, there tends to be some overlap between non-denominational congregations and traditional Protestant churches with respect to having similar foundational and theological beliefs from the Bible.